Ep #28 Getting Granular to Accomplish Goals

February 09, 2020 00:18:46
Ep #28 Getting Granular to Accomplish Goals
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #28 Getting Granular to Accomplish Goals

Feb 09 2020 | 00:18:46


Show Notes

sand granular

When setting and achieving goals, your plan of actions is more important than the goal itself. Often, goals and resolutions are too high-level, such as “I’m going to lose weight” or “I’m going to eat healthier.” These general aspirations are quickly undermined by busy schedules, responsibilities and stressful situations. Developing detailed plans that include incremental steps and specific timelines significantly increase the likelihood you will be successful. During this podcast, I will discuss how to “get granular” in your plans and the importance of sticking with your plan even when it is difficult.

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