Ep #23 Overcoming Obstacles: Weight Loss Journey

May 26, 2019 00:16:54
Ep #23 Overcoming Obstacles: Weight Loss Journey
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #23 Overcoming Obstacles: Weight Loss Journey

May 26 2019 | 00:16:54


Show Notes

Like a road trip, the weight loss journey may be fraught with distractions, obstacles and roadblocks. Some obstacles, such as summer barbecues and work lunches, can be anticipated and strategies developed in advance. Other obstacles may be unforeseen and more difficult to overcome. In either case, getting back on track when obstacles occur is often the difference between reaching your destination and getting stuck along the way. During this podcast, I use the road trip analogy to demonstrate how weight loss is a journey and, like a journey, you can’t let expected or unexpected obstacles prevent you from reaching your destination.

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