While the word “pleasure” often stirs images of sex, there are many non-sex-related ways to achieve pleasure. Pleasure is simply a feeling of happy, satisfaction or joy. Pleasure also has a biological component that includes the release of feel-good hormones. In fact, many highly processed foods have been engineered to produce an elevated release of these feel-good reward hormones. Consequently, most people turn to food as their primary way to achieve pleasure. These highly pleasurable foods are the same foods that make people sick with type 2 diabetes. If you are looking to reverse your type 2 diabetes and live a naturally healthy life as well as get out from under the health care system, you need to stop using food as your source of pleasure. During this podcast, I discuss ways to bring pleasure into your life that does not have negative health consequences.
Thought errors are existing beliefs that don’t align with our desired future state or goals. These thoughts undermine our progress when they are not...
Whether becoming a new parent or learning to control your diabetes, major life change can be uncomfortable. Often, we start our change journeys naive...
Fasting is my second favorite F-word. Mention the word fasting and most Americans look at you like you dropped an F-bomb. However, fasting can...