Ep #48 F-it Moment vs. Doubling Down

June 28, 2020 00:20:01
Ep #48 F-it Moment vs. Doubling Down
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #48 F-it Moment vs. Doubling Down

Jun 28 2020 | 00:20:01


Show Notes

When it comes to losing weight, reversing diabetes, or just living a naturally healthy life, always sticking to our plan can be challenging. Often, we will hit a crossroads when we want to say, “screw it” and eat the bag of Oreo's. We may even justify our actions by thinking we deserve it, or it is a reward for being so good. This is the moment, however, that will determine our future success or failure. During this podcast, I discuss why it is so important to double down on our commitment at this moment.

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