Feelings are important because they drive our actions, and inevitably our results. When a negative or uncomfortable feeling arises, it is common for people to manage these feelings with food. Food acts as a distraction and and buffers negative feelings by releasing dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone. Learning how to manage these feelings without food is a key component to living a naturally healthy life free from diabetes and other weight-related diseases. During the podcast, I discuss feelings and strategies for managing them without food.
When you have a bad day, we often look for ways to buffer away negative emotions. Sometimes buffering is accomplished through seeking out natural...
Do you crave sugary foods like candy, cereals and pumpkin-spice lattes even though they are making you sick? As discussed in previous podcasts, our...
When it comes to getting new results, you first need to understand and critically evaluate your thoughts. Thoughts drive feelings, actions and inevitably your...