Learning to manage food cravings and urges is essential to lose weight and prevent weight-related disease. In this podcast, Dr. Vaughn discusses managing the strong desires or impulses to eat foods that don’t serve the body. She introduces the idea of recognizing and validating the urge without acting upon or complying to the urge. In addition, Dr. Vaughn recommends using the Urge Pad as a tool for managing unproductive thoughts and feelings that often undermine weight loss efforts.
More podcasts are available on delanemd.com, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and Google Play. In her podcasts, Dr. Delane Vaughn provides tools and discussion on topics related to weight loss, disease prevention and mindset. Listen and subscribe today!
Every choice we make in life has pros and cons. Often, we have the belief that not deciding is a way to avoid these...
With any new skill, practice is necessary. In fact, consistent practice over a long period of time is the only way to become proficient...
The low-fat, no-fat movement systematically removed the fat from foods with the goal of improving the health of Americans. Now, decades later, obesity rates...