Ep #15 Filtering Thoughts

November 10, 2019 00:19:45
Ep #15 Filtering Thoughts
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #15 Filtering Thoughts

Nov 10 2019 | 00:19:45


Show Notes

Woman filtering

Achieving your health goals requires evaluating fixed beliefs. Often, these fixed beliefs are supported by our primitive brain that seeks to minimize pain, maximize pleasure and take the path or least resistance. When I embarked on my wellness journey, I changed my diet and eliminated processed foods. Recently, however, I realized that I was consistently overeating “on plan” foods. While I still didn’t eat M&Ms or Diet Coke, I would overeat eggs, veggies and nuts. Although I did reach my health goal, I recognized that I was still allowing my primitive brain to take the path of least resistance by continuing to buffer my emotions with food. During this podcast, I discuss the technique of filtering thoughts as a tool to gain control over your primitive brain.

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