Ep #19 Getting Results: Thought Model Series (3 of 4)

April 28, 2019 00:20:46
Ep #19 Getting Results: Thought Model Series (3 of 4)
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #19 Getting Results: Thought Model Series (3 of 4)

Apr 28 2019 | 00:20:46


Show Notes

In this episode, which is the third in the four-part podcast series on the thought model, I discuss finding intentional thoughts that produce better and deliberate results. Permanent weight loss requires understanding thoughts. Thoughts drive emotions, actions and inevitably your results. Evaluating thoughts critically, challenging fixed false beliefs and being intentional with new thoughts are key components of getting results, including permanent weight loss. I present the concept of turning the thought model backwards and starting with the desired result, then action, emotion, and finally your deliberate thought.  

This podcast is the third episode in a 4-part series. The first episode provides an overview of the theoretical model called the Thought Model. The second episode discusses thought downloads, which is a useful tool for critically evaluating thoughts. More podcasts are available on delanemd.com/podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and Google Play. In her podcasts, Dr. Delane Vaughn provides tools and discussion on topics related to weight loss, disease prevention and mindset. Listen and subscribe today!

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