Ep #26 Practice: The Myth of the Savant

June 16, 2019 00:21:31
Ep #26 Practice: The Myth of the Savant
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #26 Practice: The Myth of the Savant

Jun 16 2019 | 00:21:31


Show Notes

With any new skill, practice is necessary. In fact, consistent practice over a long period of time is the only way to become proficient and eventually master your new skill. As a nurse, for example, it takes countless times starting an IV before you feel confident in your proficiency. For me, this process also took a personal commitment and the realization that it wouldn’t be perfect the first, second or fiftieth try. This is the same with weigh loss. Learning to eat foods that serve our bodies is a new skill that needs to be practiced before it’s perfected. During this podcast, I discuss the process of practicing and the myth of the savant. I also use my own experience with meditation as an example of how mastering a new skill takes time.

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