When it comes to any problem, there are proximate and ultimate causes. The proximate cause is the event most obviously or immediately responsible for an outcome. In contrast, the ultimate cause is the higher-level cause and often the “real” reason the problem occurred. When it comes to the problem of losing weight, we often focus on proximate causes because it’s easier or more obvious. The proximate cause of being overweight or obese is overeating. The ultimate cause, however, is the underlying thoughts that drive us to want and desire foods that don’t serve our body. During this podcast, I discuss the concept of proximate versus ultimate cause and how coaching can help dig into the underlying thoughts that drive weight gain.
Planning meals in advance is an essential strategy for living naturally healthy life free from diabetes and other weight-related diseases. But what does a...
When it comes to living a naturally healthy life free from diabetes and other weight related diseases, the weekends and holidays can be challenging....
When it comes to living healthy, I promote the philosophy that your human body is perfectly normal. Diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension...