Ep #28 Top 5 Things you Must Do for Weight Loss

June 30, 2019 00:24:56
Ep #28 Top 5 Things you Must Do for Weight Loss
Living A Naturally Healthy Life With DelaneMD
Ep #28 Top 5 Things you Must Do for Weight Loss

Jun 30 2019 | 00:24:56


Show Notes

When it comes to losing weight and improving health, many people invest in strategies that work initially but eventually fail. This is because often the first 20 pounds and the last 20 pounds aren’t lost using the same strategy. After evaluating my weight loss journey and my client’s experiences, I’ve compiled a list of the top 5 strategies my most successful clients have in common. Using these strategies, my clients have shed pounds permanently. During this podcast, I discuss each of these 5 strategies in depths and provide examples.

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