Did you start the new year resolved to lose weight? Is your commitment starting to wane? When it comes to weight loss, it’s easy to lose motivation. Perhaps, in a moment of weakness you snuck a cookie or some chips. Eventually, these little cheats lead to bigger cheats and then – BAM – you’ve quit. We all want an easy button when it comes to motivation. The truth is, motivation is like a muscle and the more you flex it the stronger it gets. In this podcast, we discuss how to overcome unproductive thoughts that undermine our motivation and sabotage weight loss goals.
If you’re interested in losing weight and managing common weight-related ailments, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, when you eat may be as...
When people come to me wanting to resolve their type 2 diabetes, it’s because they believe there is a better way that doesn’t include...
Do you eat emotionally? After a stressful workday or a fight with your teenager, do you turn to potato chips, ice cream or chocolate...